Archery 102 - Accuracy vs. Precision in Archery

When talking about accuracy and precision in archery, many people prefer accuracy than precision. But accuracy without precision can simply be put as an archer's LUCK. A good archery technique is meant for us to produce the same accuracy AND precision. Remember, always try to make every shot the same, and you will find your archery improving automatically. It may seem a little boring at times, but believe me - pretty soon you will be landing the arrow very near the bullseye.

The tried and true archery training technique dictates that you must learn to use the same posture, arrow and bow, breathing, anchoring, range, windage and elevation. All controllable factor of archery precision must be controlled and repeated until you can get the same result landing the arrow at the same point of impact every time. In easier words, I would say that a good archer train for precision archery FIRST rather than accurate archery. This is because when you can shoot and land your arrow at the same place every time, it shows that you have the necessary control and enough sensitivity to make every shot consistent. This is very important.

Archery is a precision sport before it is an accuracy sport. If you cannot maintain the accuracy and therefore the accuracy is discounted. I do not mean to say accuracy is not important, but first and foremost, make sure you get the grip of precision.

Bowfishing and bowhunting are not sports, but they are still archery. They also demanded precision rather than simply accury. Of course, you can shoot a few game sometimes, but it will not improve your consistency. Like sports archery, both bowhunting and bowfishing demand a skill that requires you to be able to put the arrow where you want to - which is precision.

It's safe bet to say that training to be a good archer takes 80% of the time in initial training for accuracy. Only 20% is devoted for aiming accuracy. Getting accurate shots are very easy once you are consistent and precise in placing the arrows.

That is what i think. Other people? Maybe not the same. What is important - what do you think?