I'm Busy With Work and Kids - How can i start archery?

Okay parents! First of all, I really want to congratulate all of you for admitting one thing - you are interested in archery. But i understand that sometimes, your time is used up for family, work and other myriads of things to do that you have to forget all the less necessary things like archery - even though you're dying to get your hand on a bow set. Here's some tips and tricks of how you can start learning and practicing archery and be a self-made archer;
  1. Know your type of archery - What kind of archery you like? Is it hunting type archery as in bowhunting or bowfishing? Is it Olympic kind of archery? Is it exhibition archery like Byron Ferguson that attracts you? Or is it just the combination of two of those field? Visit The archery styles and category to find your the archery type and then go on to number 2 below.
  2. Know what equipment to get - Different type of archery requires different kind of equipments. Field archery, Exhibition Archery, Competitive Archery, Bowhunting and Bowfishing all have their own specialized archery equipments - some are expensive, some are not. Read my short guide on what archery equipment you need to start on being an archer.
  3. Know how and where to start your archery - After you have the necessary archery equipment like you have found out up there, you have to find out what archery games rules are all that you have to do is follow the below guide to have a five minute archery game at home.
Archery is actually a very easy game. Fit the arrow, pull the bowstring and let the arrow go. Unlike what you may think, kids love it. They watch a lot of their superheroes with bows and arrows and they think its cool. I learn that kids especially boys really enjoy archery especially when their parents stay and play with them. Like i said in my post Home Archery Game - Parents Guide to Quality Family Times, archery is not only a sport or an adults hobby. Archery can make you quality family time and at the same time teach your children something very important for their future like Self-esteem, Confidence, Focus, Consistency and whats more important that all those - Parents' Love.

Ask yourself, when was the last time you really have a good time with your kids doing something both of you like?