Bowhunting Begins! Archers Ahoyy!

Okay folks, I hereby declare our bow hunting seasons BEGINS! Haha! Just a joke. But it's real though for some people, getting our fun and being sensible and no animal cruelty at the same time. I personally do not like to kill for just the trophy, it should be for a few reasons for bowhunting to be real fun, like - meat, trophy and guarding our crops. But nonetheless as bow hunters, we hunt animals and kill them with bows and arrows.

Check this video out guys, damn good shot is he not?

Yeah, pity the animals. But there are a lot of animals that even Greenpeace would give nods for us to kill. And it's not killing for pleasure of being sadistic at all.

I realized that many of the people out there doesn't agree with my opinion. But let me tell you something - I started bow hunting with my own bow - dad's handmade - since i was eight. Hunting rats and rodents that are destroying my parent's crops and crop seeds.

Oh sure.. we don't kill pheasant or deer just for fun. Occasionally, i would love to obtain seasonal license for hunting so for once in a few months, i can teach my son about foresting and tracking and skinning animals. One hell of a good boy's out night.

That is also the time my spirits were sky-high when i can feed my family with something well and truly from my own hands. Those who live near game park or farms, Thank God for your life. Much better bow hunting the rats around the farm rather than living in the rat race in the city.
Check out the bow hunting videos i have to share with you all above! Mind the skills - we're going to discuss them later. Bye Guys!